Monday, December 11, 2006

Keep your mind not to be too open

I told her:

If i were him, i would take dozens girls with me, and if i were a girl,i would definely be in his bed tonight.

She send me:

"I try to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out."

-- Judge Harold T. Stone

Then i sent back to her:

If i were him, i would take dozens girls with me, and if i were a girl,
i would definely be in his bed tonight.
Now,what a pity, i am not him and even that girl, but apart from being
excellent yourself alone, you deserve to be his only soulmate.

-- E. Harold T. Socrate.

She sent back to me:

Apart from every thing, I am soooo lucky to have a friend called E.Harold T. Socrate